Corporate Counsel Section Meeting

Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Abuelo's, Plano
Speaker: Mark Jenkins/Christopher Meadows

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TITLE:  “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act:  Pitfalls and Practical Considerations”


DESCRIPTION:  This presentation is intended to increase awareness and understanding of the FCPA (and other anti-bribery legislation in other nations) and provide guidance on advising your clients on compliance with such laws and in identifying red flags for potentially corrupt transactions.


SPEAKERS:  Mark Jenkins & Christopher B. Meadows, Glass Ratner Advisory & Capital Group LLC


MCLE credit:  1.0 hour of MCLE credit FOR MEMBERS


Location:  Abuelo's in East Plano, 3420 N. Central, north of Parker Rd.

Cost:  $15 including tax and tip for fajita buffet, tea and water


For additional details, please contact Anne Shuttee, or Martha James, (Co-Chairs).


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