Civil Litigation/Appellate Section Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Texas Land & Cattle/Frisco
Speaker: Kathryn Pruitt/Jeff Shore

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Topic: Recognizing and Managing the Unmanageable Client--Setting Boundaries, Establishing Goals and Getting Paid


Summary:  This presentation is designed to assist our colleagues in recognizing clients likely to present the most difficult challenges in effective representation and attorney-client communication, and to provide specific suggestions and tools for achieving successful outcomes and a satisfactory relationship with these clients despite such challenges.  We will highlight certain verbal and nonverbal cues indicating the client may have a high conflict personality, as those clients require a higher degree of skill and vigilance by the lawyer to protect both the client's interests and the lawyer's professional and business interests.  In this context, we will address intake procedures, verbal communication methods, documentation during the course of representation, maintaining the file, and effective tools for addressing billing and collection issues these clients most often present to the attorney.


Location:  Texas Land & Cattle Company/Frisco


For additional questions, please contact Shawn Tuma, Chair,


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